Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gun Control

Conservatives are good about arguing against gun control. The second ammendment protects an individual right keep and bear arms. Also people can argue they would want a gun for protection if there was an intruder in there household and them and there family was in danger, it is also argued that sometimes police do not make it on time, having your own gun would be convenient.

Liberals argue that the reason why all these people are getting killed by by shootings, school shootings is because there is not enough laws restricting guns.

Conservative and Liberal Views On Gay Marriage

Conservatives are against gay marriage for several reasons.
1. The main function of marriage is pro-creation
2. All the main world religions, christianity, buddhism, judism, hinduism, islam teach that homosexual behavior is sinful and wrong.
3. In a democracy, the will of the majority must rule. Because most adults are currently opposed to same sex marriage.
4. It is also foridden by the bible.

Liberals think that this is wrong and people should be able to do whatever they want, they do not bother anyone and people come to the U.S to be free.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Conservative and liberal views on abortion

I learned that liberals are for abortion and abortion was legalized by the supreme court. I also learned that one of the arguements for liberals was that what if a girl got raped and she became pregnant would an abortion be legal than?

I also learned that convervatives think it is "morally wrong to have an abortion." They are against it. They think it is considered murder and it would be the same as taking someone off life support. They think the person should take responsibility and have the baby.